
Thrill Ride

Scream Drop Tower Ride Six Flags Fiesta Texas


52" Height Requirement

Over-the-Shoulder Restraints

High Thrill

Flash Pass Attraction
Opened March 13, 1999
Ride Type Combo Tower (3)
Ride Height 200 Feet
Top Speed 40 MPH
Ride Manufacturer S&S Worldwide
Ride Colors Green, Yellow, Orange & Red

Image: Jason Knutson

Ride Experience

Standing 200 feet tall, Scream is one of the park’s largest attractions. The ride consists of three separate towers. Riders are quickly launched to the top of the ride structure, enduring an intense sense of weightlessness. Featuring a combo ride cycle, anticipation builds as Scream slowly raises riders back to the top before sending them through a rapid descent back to the ground.

Scream is located in the park’s Rockville section.

Scream features an over-the-shoulder restraint system.

Scream stands 200 feet tall, giving riders a great view of the park.

Scream dominates the park’s skyline.

Scream brightens up the park’s nighttime skyline.

Scream stands in the former location of The Loop Drive-In performance venue.

Fiesta Texas History

Between 1992 and 1998, the structure that surrounds Scream's ride perimeter and queue area was an outdoor live entertainment venue. Known as The Loop Drive-In, the theatre was themed to the concept of a 1950s car movie drive-in. The Loop Drive-In was also furnished with period cars surrounding the venue. During the park’s opening season in 1992, The Loop Drive-In featured the show Rockin’ Blue Rhythm. References to The Loop Drive-In were also made in the former Rockin' at Rockville High show in Rockville High School.

Ride History


  • Drop of Doom, a virtual reality ride feature, is added to Scream from July 15 to August 21.


  • Two of Scream’s towers open on March 14. The third tower opens to the public on May 28.