Dare Devil Dive (Update 1), Children's Area Re-Theme (Update 1), Boomerang (Update 1)

The Dare Devil Dive Flying Machines construction area as seen from the park’s main Crackaxle Canyon thoroughfare.

The recent covered Chop Six eating area will become Dare Devil Dive Flying Machine’s queue line in the future.

Crews are currently working on a massive base structure that will be the future foundation of the Dare Devil Dive Flying Machines ride structure.

Kiddee Koaster has been repainted with silver track and red supports. This appears to be the first step to the park re-theming their children’s area.

Kiddee Koaster’s train has also been repainted to match.

Boomerang is currently receiving a new paint job. The ride’s two lift hills and supports have been repainted. The paint job is not quite complete, however.

A closer look at Boomerang’s freshly-painted supports. The coaster also recently underwent train refurbishment.

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Dare Devil Dive (Update 2), Children's Area Re-Theme (Update 2), Rockville Enhancements


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