Multi-Ride DC Universe Expansion (Update 7), Ride Refurbishments

Goliath Repaint, Hustler Refurbishment, New Themed Signage

Goliath is currently receiving a fresh coat of track paint. The ride’s supports will remain the same color. Goliath is expected to be rethemed in the near future.

Hustler’s “pool ball” ride units have been temporarily removed to receive fresh paint.

The ride’s deck is also being replaced and will be given a fresh coat of paint.

Signage refreshes continue, this time coming to the main entrance to Scream.

DC Universe Multi-Ride Expansion

Six Flags Fiesta Texas DC Universe Expansion Metropolis Transit Authority

The DC Universe expansion area has reopened, this time with new aspects added to its skyline.

Metropolis Transit Authority track now stretches around most of the area’s perimeter.

Metropolis Transit Authority’s layout runs closely next to Bugs’ White Water Rapids’ final drop.

The ride’s layout travels directly above the all-new Planet Krypton Cafe, which has recently opened.

Not all of the ride’s layout is installed with track work ending near the station area.

Metropolis Transit Authority’s transfer bay, which will be located in the station, still also needs to be completed.

The far side of track work ends just before it crosses over the future The Penguin: Gotham City Getaway ride.

Footers behind The Penguin: Gotham City Getaway have been completed and await supports.

Metropolis Transit Authority’s station foundation is complete and awaits vertical construction.

Additional track and support installation awaits on the far side of Metropolis Transit Authority’s station foundation.

Six Flags Fiesta Texas DC Universe Expansion Cyborg Cyber Revolution

The entrance portal, queue, themed elements and perimeter fencing sill awaits installation for Cyborg Cyber Revolution.

Cyborg Cyber Revolution was the first of three new rides to be installed.

The ride has been tested and put through cycles since its installation.

New concrete has been poured around the future home of the Shazam! Tower of Eternity ride.

The theming refresh for Green Lantern Emerald Flight continues as the ride’s new sign and queue shade structure have been installed.

Batgirl Coaster Chase has also received new signage near its entrance.

New Daily Planet Gifts Shop

The new indoor Daily Planet Gifts shop now has a facade and signage.

Superman Krypton Coaster’s main entrance will be located through the center of the gift shop once completed.

The new shop will feature a modern design with large front windows and themed wall graphics.

The gift shop will feature related DC Universe souvenirs and apparel, along with beverages for purchase.

Both the exit to Superman Krypton Coaster and Supergirl Sky Flight will come through the gift shop.

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Multi-Ride DC Universe Expansion (Update 8), Ride Refurbishments


Multi-Ride DC Universe Expansion (Update 6), Other Park Projects