Construction Updates

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Multi-Ride DC Universe Expansion (Update 7), Ride Refurbishments

The DC Universe expansion area has reopened as Batgirl Coaster Chase and Green Lantern Emerald Flight continue their theming refreshes. Most of the track for Metropolis Transit Authority is now installed, not including the station area and transfer track. Ground work moves forward for the Shazam! Tower of Eternity ride. Other projects include fresh paint for Goliath and a refurbishment of the Hustler ride.

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Multi-Ride DC Universe Expansion (Update 6), Other Park Projects

Construction continues to move along on Fiesta Texas’ new multi-ride DC Universe expansion. The first attraction, Cyborg: Cyber Revolution, has been installed and is currently in testing. The area as a whole, however, still requires a great deal of work to be completed. Other updates include the new Daily Planet gift shop near Superman Krypton Coaster and other theming enhancement projects.

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New Ride Construction Amusement Source New Ride Construction Amusement Source

Multi-Ride DC Universe Expansion (Update 5), Hurricane Harbor Expansion (Update 2)

This update features multiple behind-the-scenes looks at construction around Fiesta Texas. The first shipment of new DC Universe ride components has arrived while crews continue to transform the primary construction area with new themed elements and footers. Water slides in Hurricane Harbor are also installed and receiving their final touches before a grand opening.

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