Construction Updates
New rides and attractions construction, in-park projects, ride removals and other significant changes.

Dare Devil Dive Flying Machines (Update 5)
Dare Devil Dive Flying Machines moves closer to completion as more theming enhancements take place. The construction fence has been removed and the attraction’s impressive entrance portal is now front and center.

Dare Devil Dive Flying Machines (Update 4)
Though Six Flags Fiesta Texas has been closed for months due to the COVID-19 pandemic, exciting progress has been made on Dare Devil Dive Flying Machines, including the installation of the main ride structure and vehicles.
Dare Devil Dive (Update 3), Children's Area Re-Theme (Update 3), Boomerang (Update 2)
Extensive queue and theme work continues on Dare Devil Dive Flying Machines, the Krazy Kars attraction undergoes a paint job, Kiddee Koaster’s queue and station undergo more changes and the repaint project of Boomerang is complete.
The Joker Carnival of Chaos (Update 11), DC Super-Villains Swing (Update 6), Other Park Projects
The Joker Carnival of Chaos and DC Super-Villains Swing are all but complete and new theming can be found in the DC Universe area. Fiesta Texas also continues construction on two new structures in Los Festivales and Rockville.
The Joker Carnival of Chaos (Update 10), DC Super-Villains Swing (Update 5)
Fine details continue to progress on The Joker Carnival of Chaos’ queue line as landscaping is added, the main sign is erected, and a shade structure is constructed. Landscaping around DC Super-Villains Swing has also received a refresh.

The Joker Carnival of Chaos (Update 8) & More
Main support columns for The Joker Carnival of Chaos have been bolted together on the ground. The ride’s LED lighting package has also been installed. The park also continues preparing for their new summer show package.
The Joker Carnival of Chaos (Update 7), DC Super-Villains Swing (Update 3) & Summer Entertainment Enhancements
Support structures and other pieces for The Joker Carnival of Chaos are now on-site. Installation of the new DC Super-Villains Swing is also under way. Fiesta Texas continues enhancements around the park for their summer entertainment line-up.

The Joker Carnival of Chaos (Update 5), Aztek Nachos
A quick update featuring progress on the indoor queue building for The Joker Carnival of Chaos and the final look of the all-new Aztek Nachos dining location.

The Joker Carnival of Chaos (Update 4), Hustler (Update 2), DC Universe & General Park Updates
Footers have been poured for The Joker Carnival of Chaos, refurbishment is nearly complete on Hustler, and other upgrades are happening around the park.
The Joker Carnival of Chaos (Update 3), Hustler (Update 1), Texas Tumble (Update 1), Dining & Shopping Updates
Dirt has begun to move at the future home of The Joker Carnival of Chaos! Hustler undergoes a major refurbishment project while other projects are happening within White Water Bay and at shopping and dining locations.
The Joker Wild Card & Whirligig (Update 2), Shopping Changes
Whirligig has been almost completely removed from its ride pad in Spassburg while the future home to The Joker Wild Card has also been completely cleared. We also take a quick look at new projects happening with a couple of Fiesta Texas’ shopping locations.
The Joker Wild Card & Whirligig (Update 1)
A quick look at the removal of The Twister and skill games as crews make way for the future installation of The Joker Wild Card attraction.